Comparative Study on Business Unit Development by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

BUNA, Malang (19/9) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta conducted a comparative study with BUNA. Led by the Head of Business Development, Dr. Asep Syarifuddin Hidayat, SH., MH. along with the team, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah has a special mission to visit BUNA, namely to find out the development of business units at BUNA such as the management of student dormitories and other business units. From BUNA attended by the Secretary of BPU, Dr. Adam Wiryawan and the President Director of BUNA, Dr. Anton Efani.

Presenting Souvenirs from Asep Syarifuddin Hidayat, SH., MH. to Dr. Adam Wiryawan

In the first presentation delivered by Dr. Adam, he said that Universitas Brawijaya itself has several business entities. Among them are Academic Business Entities, Non-Academic Business Entities, Expertise Business Entities, Health Business Entities, and Entrepreneurial Incubator Bodies. In practice, business entities synergize with each other to contribute to the income generators Universitas Brawijaya.

The presentation was continued by Dr. Anthon Efani regarding the development of business units that have been carried out by BUNA. Such as the development of UB Coffee and the initiation of the creation of UB Merch which will later become the official merchandise of Universitas Brawijaya. The event closed with the delivery of souvenirs and group photos which were continued to tour the business units in BUNA.

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