UB Kantin

UB Kantin is a canteen that has an academic atmosphere, serves halal and tayyib culinary so that it is safe and healthy for consumption by the academic community of Universitas Brawijaya. UB Kantin has the supporting capacity of institutions, namely the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, Laboratory of Science and Life Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, and Center for Halalan Toyyiban Study, Universitas Brawijaya to ensure the quality assurance of UB Kantin products.

UB Kantin has canteens that are located in several areas around UB. They are UB Kantin Akademik or commonly called Library Canteen, Creative Land (CL), Veterans Pujasera (Foodcourt), and UB Dieng Canteen which is still under construction.

UB Kantin has the task of providing services to the academic community to support the realization of quality academic personnel in Universitas Brawijaya through the provision of food and drinks in the academic canteen that is halaal and tayyib.

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Office, Box Package Ordering Service or Catering, UB Fresh Delivery
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Food Court Ordering and Delivery Service
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