UB Merch and Creative

UB Merch and Creative is a business unit engaged in the sale of official Universitas Brawijaya merchandise and creative products. UB Merch has been established in 2019, but it has only been officially listed in the Rector's Regulation of Universitas Brawijaya Number 66 of 2020 concerning Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of Non-Academic Business Entities.

UB Merch and Creative is the result of the initiation of collaboration between BUNA, students, and UB alumni themselves. Some of the products sold by UB Merch and Creative are based on fabric based. Such as hoodies, jackets, t-shirts, and bags. As for creative products, UB Merch and Creative provide the creation of various profile videos, presentations, and so on.

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Via E-Commerce : Shopee and Tokopedia

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