Comparative Study of BUNA UB in Benchmarking Business Management at Universitas Gadjah Mada

BUNA – Non-Academic Business Entity Universitas Brawijaya (BUNA UB) conducted a comparative study at one of the leading State Universities, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. The event held on 9-11 December 2021 is an initial step for BUNA in facing the transformation of Universitas Brawijaya from a Public Service Agency (BLU) to a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH). UGM itself has had PTNBH status for more than 20 years so that management and business governance in it are very good and structured.
The first visit was a comparative study to a dormitory owned by UGM, UGM Residence, or Gama Residence, which was held at the Grha Sabha Pramana Building. Led by the Director of BUNA, Dr. Anthon Efani, this comparative study aims to see the management of the dormitory which can accommodate up to approximately 2000 students. General Manager of Gama Residence, Ir. FX. Pri Joewo Guntoro, Dipl.HE, M.Sc., explained the management and 'added value' of the hostel compared to outside accommodation services such as Life Skills training imported from third parties.

The next visit was held at the University Club Hotel of Universitas Gadjah Mada. On this second visit, BUNA learned about PT. Gama Multi Usaha Mandiri or Gama Multi Group, as a business owned by Universitas Gadjah Mada which has been in the form of a PT for decades. The event was attended by the President Director of Gama Multi Group, Drs. Ibnu Gunawan, M.M. As a business entity that has similarities in the business sector, BUNA learns about several businesses owned by Gama Multi Group such as Gama Wisata, UC Hotel, Gama Konsultan, and Gamatechno.

On the second day, BUNA had the opportunity to visit the 'Omah Oblong' t-shirt factory in Yogyakarta. Apart from wanting to know the marketing techniques applied, BUNA also wants to know the t-shirt production process where UB Merch and Creative have the same business in the merchandise sector. At Omah Oblong all products are produced and sold in the same area. Thus, visitors can see the production process directly and make it a special attraction.

The last visit on the third day was the Sinergi Co-Working Space. In the future, BUNA wants to develop a co-working space business because there are not many facilities in Malang itself. With so many areas owned by BUNA in business units, BUNA wants to create a co-working space with the best facilities, services, and quality. So that visitors feel comfortable and continue to want to use these facilities.

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