Director of BUNA Farewell Ceremony Year 2022-2023

Malang (17/1), a Badan Usaha Non-Akademik of Universitas Brawijaya (BUNA UB) held the Officer Farewell Ceremony of Director for the period 2021-2022 to the new Director for the period 2022-2023. Dr. Anthon Efani, as the Director of BUNA UB for the 2021-2022 period, handed over his new task and mandate to the Director for the 2022-2023 period, Nurkholis, Ph.D. The event was held in the Apple Meeting Room in UB Guest House which was attended by representatives of the Badan Pengelola Usaha (BPU), Dr. Ir. Adam Wiryawan, MS., board of Directors of BUNA UB, as well as the General Managers of the BUNA UB business units.

The handover of this position is one of the steps of Universitas Brawijaya in giving the mandate to the new Director to continue the struggle in developing BUNA UB innovation that has been built before. In his speech, Dr. Anthon Efani expressed his gratitude to the BUNA UB team for their cooperation so far. In developing a business, team work and synergy is very important in achieving common goals, to become a better and more useful BUNA UB.

The speech was continued by the Director of BUNA UB for the 2022-2023 period, Nurkholis, Ph.D. who is also a former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya. Nurkholis, Ph.D. said that he is ready to take on a new task as Director of BUNA UB together with the team in order to develop BUNA in a bigger direction. Coupled with the opportunity for BUNA to grow after the ratification of the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 108 of 2021 concerning State Universities as Legal Entities, Universitas Brawijaya. The event closed with the submission of mementos and the 2021 Annual Report as a symbol of the assignment from Dr. Anthon Efani to Nukrholis, Ph.D. which was then followed by a group photo. BUNA, Innovation Starts Here!

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