Annual Meeting “Preparing the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and Presentation of the 2020 Work Program”

BUNA, Batu (6-7/12) Badan Usaha Non Akademik Universitas Brawijaya held a Work Meeting which took place on 6-7 December 2020. The Working Meeting which was held at Lembah Metro Resort, Batu was attended by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS., Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Prof. Drs. Gugus Irianto, MSA., Ph.D., Ak., President Director of BPU, Dr. Sihabuddin, SH., MH., Director of Planning and Finance of the General Management Agency (BPU) Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, M.Si, Secretary of the BPU, Dr. Adam Wiryawan, as well as the Board of Directors and BUNA staff including the General Manager and Manager of the business unit.

The event was opened by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya led by Wahyu Kartika Larasati, followed by remarks by the President Director of BUNA, Dr. Anthon Efani, followed by the President Director of BPU, Dr. Sihabuddin, and the last is a speech from the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya. In his speech, the Rector of UB said about the hopes and opportunities that can be achieved by BUNA. Where BUNA is one of the income generators owned by Universitas Brawijaya. BUNA is also prepared to be one of the supporters when UB will later transform into a Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Berbadan Hukum (PTN BH).

The event continued with the presentation of the work program of each General Manager of the BUNA business unit. The first one was opened by the General Manager of UB Coffee, Santoso Purnomo, A.Md. Which was then followed by another General Manager. Each business unit describes their respective work programs to increase revenue and customer engagementSome of its work programs are improvement of facilities or infrastructure, addition of human resources, or innovation in their respective service fields. Like UB Sport Center, which will add Muay Thai classes.

The event closed with an increase in motivation by Yoricko and continued with hospitality and then took a group photo.

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