The First Academic Canteen in Indonesia with LPPOM MUI Halal Certificate

BUNA – Malang (18/2), UB Kantin (Halalan Thayyiban Academic Canteen) received halal certification from the Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI). This event was also filled with the signing of the MoU between BPJPH and Universitas Brawijaya as well as the Handing over of the Halal Certificate for LPPOM MUI UB Canteen. This halal fatwa itself has been received since January 11, 2019, with a halal certificate number 07160056120119 and is valid for 2 years.

The event of handing over the halal certificate was handed over directly to the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani, AR., MS and also attended by the President Director of BUNA, Dr. Anthon Efani, General Manager of UB Kantin, Suprayogi, STP., MP., Ph.D., and the management team of UB Kantin.

Obtaining this halal certificate is not an easy thing. Several stages must be carried out, such as collecting data on raw materials for each food and beverage sold by consumers the tenant, create a material matrix, trace the halalness of raw materials and production critical points, evaluation and education the tenant through Food Safety and Halal training, Test food, Direct internal compliance audit (SOP) of the production house, until finally an External Audit was carried out by the LPPOM MUI Auditor of East Java Province on 8 November 2018.

With the receipt of this halal certificate, UB Kantin hopes that not only the Halalan Thayyiban Academic Canteen will have it, but also all canteens belonging to Universitas Brawijaya, including UB Guest House which is in the process of halal certification.

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