BUNA Facing the New Normal

BUNA, Malang (10/7), after the enforcement of the Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) is complete, the city of Malang begins to enter the New Normal era . According to tempo.co New Normal refers to changes in human behavior after the Corona virus outbreak by implementing the Corona Virus Disease 2019 or Covid-19 pandemic protocol.

Complying with the health protocol rules that must be applied across all lines, BUNA together with the business units under it made several changes related to this New Normal. Starting from changing unit operating hours, socializing health protocols to all staff, providing hand sanitizer and hand washing stations at several points, to always checking body temperatures for incoming employees.

The focus of implementing this health protocol has several differences in each business sector. The first is in the tourism and hospitality sector. BUNA itself has UB Guest House and Griya Brawijaya as units that fall into this category. Several things that have been done by these units are the availability of facilities for washing hands and hand sanitizer at every entrance/exit, checking all employees and guests who visit using a thermal gun, physical distancing in all areas general cleaning using disinfectants on a regular basis. and cashless payments .

The second is in the food and beverages or F&B sector. This application is carried out in UB Canteen, UB Coffee, UB Guest House Resto, and Griya Brawijaya Canteen. In terms of F&B, the implementation of the protocol is not much different from the tourism and hotel sectors. Some of the things that have been done are limiting the number of visitors at one table, the use of face shieldmasks, and gloves for employees on duty, as well as virtual menu that can be accessed by scanning QR Code without using the menu book again

The third is in the sports or fitness center sector. As the only complete sports center owned by Universitas Brawijaya, UB Sport Center must of course implement very strict health protocols related to the number of visitors and the cleanliness of the fitness equipment. Several things that have been implemented are the obligation to wear masks and wash hands when entering the UB Sport Center area, providing bulkheads at the front office desk limiting the number of visitors by 50% in one room, and changing operating hours.

The last is the printing sector. With this new normal, UB Media takes several precautions such as limiting the number of employees in the production room, cleaning tools regularly, and checking the body temperature of all employees who enter the work area using a thermal gunWith the implementation of this health protocol, it is hoped that it will reduce contact with each other, transmission of the corona virus, and provide comfort and security for visitors who use the facilities in the BUNA business unit.

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