UIN Syarif Kasim Riau Visits Non-Academic Business Entities of Universitas Brawijaya

Malang, BUNA (16/7) UIN Syarif Kasim (UIN Suska) Riau visited a Non-Academic Business Entity led by the Chancellor of UIN Suska, Prof. Dr. H. Akhmad Mujahidin, S. Ag., M.Ag. The event which was held in the Citrus Meeting Room of UB Guest House was attended by the Head of the Finance Bureau of Universitas Brawijaya, Drs. Sagiya, Head of Budget and Treasury, Lulut Endi Sutrisno, SE., M.AB., Head of Accounting, Ach. Murtadho.HA, SE., and Deputy President Director of BUNA, M. Kholid Mawardi, S.Sos., M.AB., Ph.D.

The event was opened by remarks by the Chancellor of UIN Suska, who expressed his gratitude for the excellent reception by Universitas Brawijaya. At the end of his speech, Prof. Akhmad hopes that with this educational visit, UIN Suska Riau can learn many things about managing business units at Brawijaya University.

Followed by a brief explanation of BUNA by M. Kholid Mawardi, and financial management at Brawijaya University by Drs. Sagiya. From his explanation, UIN Suska learned many things about the source of university funds which would later be used for university management.

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