Comparative Study of the Universitas Terbuka and the Indonesian Railway Academy to the Business Management Agency

BUNA, Malang (12/9), Universitas Terbuka (UT) and Akademi Perkeretaapian Indonesia (API) conducted a comparative study with the Badan Pengelola Usaha (BPU) Universitas Brawijaya. From UT represented by the Head of the Business Management and Development Agency, Ir. Tengku Eduard Azwar Sinar, M.A, PJ for Services and Facilities, Sugiman, S.Kom, and PJ for Education and Training, Minrohayati, SE., M.Sc. Meanwhile, the API was represented by Deputy Director II, Hari Budi and his team. From BPU, the deputy president director, Dr. Bambang D. Prasetyo, M.Si. and the secretary of the BPU, Dr. Ir. Adam Wiryawan, MS. BUNA was represented by the President Director, Dr. Anthon Efani and team, while BUA was represented by the President Director, Dr. Herman Suryokumoro.

Located in the BUNA Meeting Room, the event was opened by a presentation from the BPU delivered by Dr. Adam Wiryawan which was then followed by a presentation by BUA, Dr. Herman Suryokumoro, then presentation of business development strategy by Dr. Anton Efani. This session was followed by discussion and question and answer from each guest. Closing the discussion, BPU, BUNA, BUA, and guests held a photo session and continued visits to BUNA and BUA business units.

The visit begins with BioSains, then UB Guest House, Griya Brawijaya, UB Coffee, Badan Inkubator Wirausaha, Atsiri Institute, UB Press, Unit Pelayanan Bahasa, and finally UB Sport Center. From this comparative study, UT and API hope to learn a lot about the existing business units in UB and how to manage and implement them both in the Univerisitas Terbuka and the Akademi Perkretaapian Indonesia, Madiun.

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