BUNA Working Meeting “Competitiveness Towards Business Unit Independence”

Batu, BUNA – On February 22-23 2019, BUNA held a work meeting agenda in Lumbung Village, Batu. The BUNA Working Meeting “Competitiveness Towards Business Unit Independence” aims to describe the achievements in 2018 and provide an overview of the work plans or programs in 2019 and 2020. This event was attended by the board of directors, General Managers, managers, and staff representatives from each unit.

The event was opened with remarks from the President Director of BUNA, Dr. Anthon Efani, who discussed BUNA's achievements during 2018 and hopes for the future. The event continued with a presentation from the Director of Finance and Accounting, Dr. M. Khoiru Rusydi, M.Ak, BKP., Ak., CA who explained BUNA's financial statements and the plans of the financial team. The next presentation by the Director of Law and Human Resources, Dr. Sukarmi, SH., M. Hum. which explains the training related to HR in BUNA and units. and the last is the explanation from the Director of Cooperation, Development, and Marketing, M. Kholid Mawardi, S.Sos., M.AB., Ph.D. which provides an overview of the marketing team's work program and related training in the future. In the evening, the event was filled with discussions and presentations from each General Manager of the unit regarding problems in the unit and future work programs.

With this event, it is hoped that BUNA units will be motivated to always develop and innovate to achieve business unit independence.

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