Annual Meeting “Preparation of the 2019 Work Plan Towards Professional and Excellent BUNA for the Independence of Universitas Brawijaya”

Malang, BUNA – Friday and Saturday (12-13/10) 2018, BUNA together with business units such as UB Guest House, UB Coffee, Griya Brawijaya, UB Kantin, UB Media, and UB Sport Center, attended the Leadership Work Meeting (Rakerpim) Preparation of the 2019 BUNA Work Plan, at Aston Inn, Batu. The event with the theme "Preparing a 2019 Work Plan Towards a Professional and Excellent BUNA for the Independence of Brawijaya University" was attended by the Chancellor of the University of Brawijaya, Prof. Nuhfil Hanani AR. Ms., Vice-Chancellor 2, Mr. Dr. Sihabudin, S.H., M.H., Deputy Chancellor 4, Dr. Ir. Moch. Sasmito Djati, M.S., as well as the Board of Directors, General Manager and Manager as well as PUMK from each BUNA business unit.

This event started with remarks from the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Nuhfil Hanani AR. Ms., which was then continued by the Vice-Chancellor 4, Mr. Dr. Ir. Moch. Sasmito Djati, M.S., and then Vice-Chancellor 2, Dr. Sihabudin, S.H., M.H. . This speech contains work directions for both Universitas Brawijaya and BUNA in 2019. The event was then continued with a break and then started again with an explanation regarding the procurement of goods and services by the Head of the Procurement Service Unit (ULP), Mr. Arif Hidayat, S.Kom, and others. acting as moderator is the Director of Cooperation, Development, and Marketing, Mr. Dr. Dodyk Pranowo, STP., M.Si.

The first day of the Rakerpim closed with a commission meeting where each unit discussed law or HR, Finance, and Cooperation as well as marketing with the director of BUNA in each field.

On the second day of the meeting, the event started with morning exercise together in the lobby area, led by one of the instructors of UB Sport Center. After the morning exercise, the event continued with breakfast together and a plenary session. The plenary session was represented by each General Manager of each BUNA business unit. The output of this activity is expected to produce a better 2019 Work Plan to realize BUNA's vision and mission in particular and UB's vision and mission in general.

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