Achieving Silaturahmi and Synergy through Religious Activities

Malang, BUNA (20/5) held a Ramadan 1440 H Gatherings with the theme "With the Spirit of Ramadan We Improve Silaturrahim and Synergy" which was held in the Wora Wari meeting room, Griya Brawijaya. Opened by the Deputy President Director of BUNA, M. Kholid Mawardi, S.Sos., M.AB., Ph.D., this event was also attended by many guests such as the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani, AR., MS., dr. Arief Alamsyah, MARS., Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Sc., as well as the directors and staff of BUNA, unit employees, and the member of Bahrul Maghfiroh Orphanage.

The event opened with an albanjari performance by the Bahrul Maghfiroh orphanage, followed by the reading of recitations, remarks, and materials by dr. Arief. In the material, dr. Arief explained about blessings in the month of fasting, as well as forgiving fellow believers. "If someone does something bad to us, don't return it with evil. Reply with kindness. If this happens to us, it will be a shame until the end of the world,” he said. Blessings in the month of Ramadan can be obtained very easily. Start with the lightest charity, which is smiling at others. dr. Arief also explained that being grateful is one of the keys to happiness in life. The material was closed with prayer and breaking the fast together, followed by congregational prayer.

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